Monday, May 19, 2008

A.O. 5th post

As i become closer to my quest of discovering the true identity and authenticity of Malcolm X's reasoning, I've came to a point were it is time to ask the people how they view my topic. While in class recently i was thinking to my self,the many ideas and outlooks of Malcolm's existence began to plague me. This man single handily embodied the voice of a whole race to ultimately insure the just treatment of his people.An on this I interviewed two of my peers,Mr. Jamal Campbell 17 of Buffalo NY,and Mr.Patrick Taylor also of buffalo,NY. Now these young men are of different races,Mr.Taylor of Irish decent and Mr.Campbell of African American decent.Both of these two young men are friends of mine,I asked Mr.Taylor how he felt on Mr.X view's on the "White man".He told me,that due to the time and certain issues taken place at the time his perception seemed fair.I also asked if alive today how would he perceive the status of race relation Mr.Taylor connived if alive to he might approach his outlook on more of a subtle term.Now i asked Mr.Campbell the same question,he indulged,that Mr.X was an icon,he was a pioneer in the Field civil rights.He also told me that Mr.X's view were a bit solid,they were in the best interest for change.If alive today he would be still fighting for the black people,and there just place in the world.

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