Friday, December 7, 2007

After The War

so far the main charcter is some one i could relate to except the fact that she is a girl. she is scared because she has no one left her whole family was killed in the concentration camp. she returns to her uncle's house in poland where they were living before the war only to find that everybodys gone except for her uncles maid who now lives in the house. if i was in that postion i would have also been scared i would of probaly asked for help before i went all th way back to poland. she seems to be pretty strong willed although she is scared she still stays in her right mind and tries to find her family.

1 comment:

Mr. Malley said...

Sounds like she has some pretty good qualities. I am not sure that I could be so brave in the face of such circumstances. Pat, let's work on capitalizing those first letters of sentences. The shift key man, the shift key!