Thursday, December 6, 2007

Desperation author Stephen King

This story so far is about different people who all have the same problem,they all have been put in jail by a phychotic/behemoth of a cop who seems completly out of his mind.This story is taking place in highway 50 described as the lonliest place on earth/a small town named desperation.This story so far has a good amount of characters but non have stuck out as the protagonist of the story yet.there is john marrinville an aged bigtime writter looking for his next big hit,afamily of four cant seem to recall all of there names except for david the 11 year old son and his younger sister who he calls pie and of course his parents,also thre is a married couple cant recall there names at this point.The phycho cop so far has wrongfully jailed these people also has killed pie by throwing her down a flight of steps breaking her neck ending her life that barely even began,also the cop which his name has yet to be said has killed the husband of the married couple.But yet there it feels like there is reason behind this lunatics actions he cant be killing and torturing these people for no reason.

-Roberto G.

1 comment:

Joel said...

Sounds good so far. Hope you enjoy Roberto. Nice 1st post.